
#' #' Explore BIC of mclust models
#' #' @details Explore the BIC values of a range of models in terms of a) the structure of the residual covariance matrix and b) the number of mixture components (or profiles)
#' #' @param df data.frame with two or more columns with continuous variables
#' #' @param n_profiles_range a vector with the range of the number of mixture components to explore; defaults to 1 through 9 (1:9)
#' #' @param model_names mclust models to explore; defaults to constrained variance, fixed variances ("EII"), constrained variance, constrained covariance ("EEE"), and freed variance, freed covariance ("VVV"); run mclustModelNames() from mclust to see all of the possible models and their names / abbreviations
#' #' @param statistic what statistic to plot; BIC or ICL are presently available as options
#' #' @param return_table logical (TRUE or FALSE) for whether to return a table of the output intsead of a plot; defaults to FALSE
#' #' @return a ggplot2 plot of the BIC values for the explored models
#' #' @examples
#' #' library(dplyr)
#' #' df <- select(iris, -Species)
#' #' explore_models_mclust(df)
#' #' @export
#' explore_models_mclust <- function(df, n_profiles_range = 1:9, model_names = c("EEI", "EEE", "VVV"), statistic = "BIC", return_table = FALSE) {
#'     if (statistic == "BIC") {
#'         x <- mclust::mclustBIC(df, G = n_profiles_range, modelNames = model_names)
#'     } else if (statistic == "ICL") {
#'         x <- mclust::mclustICL(df, G = n_profiles_range, modelNames = model_names)
#'     } else {
#'         stop("This statistic cannot presently be computed")
#'     }
#'     y <- x %>%
#'         as.data.frame.matrix() %>%
#'         tibble::rownames_to_column("n_profiles") %>%
#'         dplyr::rename(`Constrained variance, fixed covariance` = EEI,
#'                       `Constrained variance, constrained covariance` = EEE,
#'                       `Freed variance, freed covariance` = VVV)
#'     to_plot <- y %>%
#'         tidyr::gather(`Covariance matrix structure`, val, -n_profiles) %>%
#'         dplyr::mutate(`Covariance matrix structure` = as.factor(`Covariance matrix structure`),
#'                       val = abs(val)) # this is to make the BIC values positive (to align with more common formula / interpretation of BIC)
#'     to_plot$`Covariance matrix structure` <- forcats::fct_relevel(to_plot$`Covariance matrix structure`,
#'                                                                   "Constrained variance, fixed covariance",
#'                                                                   "Constrained variance, constrained covariance",
#'                                                                   "Freed variance, freed covariance")
#'     if(return_table == TRUE) {
#'         return(to_plot)
#'     }
#'     ggplot2::ggplot(to_plot, ggplot2::aes(x = n_profiles, y = val, color = `Covariance matrix structure`, group = `Covariance matrix structure`)) +
#'         ggplot2::geom_line() +
#'         ggplot2::geom_point() +
#'         ggplot2::ylab(paste0(statistic, " (smaller value is better)"))
#' }
jrosen48/prcr documentation built on Feb. 9, 2020, 5:15 p.m.