Man pages for jrosen48/tidyLPA
Easily Carry Out Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) Using Open-Source or Commercial Software

AHPSelect best model using analytic hyrarchy process
as.tidyLPAConvert Mplus output to object of class 'tidyLPA'
calc_lrtLo-Mendell-Rubin likelihood ratio test
compare_solutionsCompare latent profile models
curry_macSimulated MAC data
empathySimulated empathy data
estimate_profilesEstimate latent profiles
estimate_profiles_mclustEstimate latent profiles using mclust
estimate_profiles_mplus2Estimate latent profiles using Mplus
estimate_profiles_openmxEstimate latent profiles using OpenMx
get_dataGet data from objects generated by tidyLPA
get_estimatesGet estimates from objects generated by tidyLPA
get_fitGet fit indices from objects generated by tidyLPA
id_eduSimulated identity data
pisaUSA15student questionnaire data with four variables from the 2015...
pomsApply POMS-coding to data
print.tidyLPAPrint tidyLPA
print.tidyProfilePrint tidyProfile
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
single_imputationApply single imputation to data
tidyLPAtidyLPA: Functionality to carry out Latent Profile Analysis...
jrosen48/tidyLPA documentation built on Feb. 23, 2024, 11:33 p.m.