  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Using the package

The Data

The data in this package come from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) data.

fars_2013 <- make_filename(2013)
fars_2013 <- fars_read(fars_2013) 

For further details about the data, see the NHTSA FARS Manuals & Documentation page.

Loading FARS Data

To load all of the data for a given year, use the make_filename() and fars_read() functions, as shown in the package description section.

About the Filename

Use the make_filename function to find out where data is stored on your machine or to create a filename to save/load data.

fars_2013 <- make_filename(2013)

Single Year

If you would like to examine fatality data for a single year, use the fars_read_years() function with a single year as input. The only data columns selected are MONTH and year. This returns a list of length one, and the first element in the list is the tibble listing the month and year for each fatal accident.

fars_2014 <- fars_read_years(years = 2014)

Multiple Years

If you would like to examine fatalities for multiple years, enter a vector of years as the argument for the fars_read_years() function (e.g., fars_read_years(years = c(2013, 2015)) or fars_read_years(2013:2015)). This returns a list of tibbles, with each element of the list showing the month and year for each fatality.

fars_range <- fars_read_years(years = 2013:2015)

Summarizing FARS Data

The fars_summarize_years() function takes the same argument as the fars_read_years() and produces a summary of the counts of fatalities by month and year:

fars_summary <- fars_summarize_years(2013:2015)

Mapping Fatal Crashes

Finally, the fars_map_state function takes a state ID number and a year as arguments, and then maps that state's fatalities with a dot at the fatality location.

For a list of the state ID numbers, see page 26 of the FARS Analytical User's Guide (2015).

fars_map_state(53, 2014)
fars_map_state(36, 2014)

jrwinget/Rfars documentation built on May 17, 2019, 12:11 a.m.