Man pages for jschap1/WSEw
River Geometry Package for Studying Water Surface Elevation-Width Relationships

as_numeric_factorAs numeric factor
as_numeric_rasterAs Numeric Raster
auto_transectsAuto Transects
bisect_line_segmentsBisect Line Segments
bisect_line_segments2Bisect line segments 2
build_cross_sectionsBuild cross sections
calc_ACalculate Flow Area
calc_A0_pepsiCalculate A0 for Pepsi Challenge data
calc_A0_prediction_errorCalculate submerged area prediction error
calc_A0_varianceCalculate A0 variance
calc_A_from_WSEwCalculate true area from WSE-w
calc_depth_prediction_errorCalculate depth prediction error
calc_gofCalculate goodness of fit metrics
calc_mean_cross_sectionCalculate mean cross section (main)
calc_mean_cross_section_subCalculate Mean Cross Section (subroutine)
calc_model_ACalculate modeled bankfull flow area
calc_model_A0Calculate modeled flow area beneath the lowest observed WSE...
calc_model_WPCalculate modeled wetted perimeter
calc_overlying_ACalculates area overlying the lowest observed WSE
calc_s0_prediction_errorCalculate slope prediction error
calc_WPCalculate Wetted Perimeter
calc_WSEwCalculate WSE-w
calc_WSEw2Calculate WSE-w
calc_WSEw_from_stage_dataCalculate WSEw from stage time series
characterize_channelCharacterize channel
clean_by_A0Clean by A0
clean_by_z0Clean by z0
compute_rmseComputes RMSE
convert_xs_formatConvert cross section format
count_channelsCount channels
count_separate_channelsCount separate channels
count_separate_channels_2Count separate channels 2
extend_shorter_bankExtend shorter bank
extract_xs_wbfExtract cross sections and bankfull width (parallel)
extract_xs_wbf_multiExtract cross sections and bankfull width (multiple channel,...
fit_full_channelMonte Carlo convergence theory
fit_linearLinear Fit for WSE-w Relationship
fit_nlsbNonlinear Slope Break Fit
fit_nlsb_try_multiNonlinear Slope Break Fit (multi)
fit_nonlinearNonlinear Fit for WSE-w Relationship
fit_slopebreakSlope Break Fit for WSE-w Relationship
generate_hwGenerate h-w
get_main_channelGet Main Channel
get_maxdiffGet maxdiff
get_na_indGet NA index
get_start_end_indGet start and end indices of reaches
get_widthGet Width
gof_batchBatch goodness of fit metrics
is_normalTest for Gaussianity
load_pepsi_data_from_textLoad Pepsi data from text file
make_init_guessFinds initial guesses for the nonlinear model
make_zero_bankMake depths at left and right banks zero
model_one_reachModel one reach
nl_areaCalculate area of a nonlinear cross section
nlsb_area4Calculate area of a nonlinear slope break cross section
nlsb_model_xsCalculate NLSB model cross section
observeMake observations
observe2Observe 2
observe_parFit height-width data (parallel)
parameter_predictions_boxplotsHydraulic parameter predictions boxplots
parameter_predictions_scatterplotsHydraulic parameter predictions boxplots (the current version...
plot_biasPlots bias vs. exposure level
plot_brkpt_locsPlot breakpoint locations
plot_error_vs_exposurePlot error vs. exposure level
plot_gofPlot goodness-of-fit metrics for a particular class of model
plot_histograms_of_fitted_paramsHistograms of fitted parameters
plot_histograms_of_param_errorHistograms of parameter prediction error
plot_hw_fitsPlot h-w fits for one cross section
plot_hw_fits_2Plot height-width model 2
plot_modelPlot modeled cross section
plot_ra_pepsi_dataPlot reach-averaged Pepsi Challenge data
pred_error_histHistogram of prediction error
pred_linear_parPredict parameters (parallel)
pred_nlsb_parNonlinear slope break
pred_sb_parSlope break
raReach Average General
reach_avgReach Average
resample_polylineResample Polyline
resample_xsResample Cross Section
rm_null_xsRemove null cross sections
rWSEwReach-averaged cross section geometry for Pool 21 of the...
sample_size_plotSample Size
sampleWSEwSample WSEw
sb_areaCalculates area of a slope break cross section
sbm_areaCalculates area of a multi-slope break cross section
sb_model_xsCalculate slope break model cross section
show_geometryShow geometry
smooth_cross_sectionsSmooth cross sections
sortWSEwSort WSEw
SSTCalculate total sum of squares
subset_cross_sectionsSubset cross sections
subset_rWSEwSubset cross sections
test_linearTest Linear
test_slope_breakSlope Break Test
thinWSEwThin WSEw
truncate_taller_bankTruncate taller bank
update_WSEwUpdates the WSEw package
jschap1/WSEw documentation built on May 12, 2019, 10:50 a.m.