hmdcbook: HMD Country Codebook

Description Usage Format Source


A dataset containing country codes and corresponing labels as used in the HMD database and webpage. Use it to specify the countries you want to download from the HMD database. HMDget only allows for country codes specified in this table in its .country argument.




A data frame with 46 rows and 2 variables:


Country code as used in Human Mortality Database


Full country name in English

Code Label
AUS Australia
AUT Austria
BLR Belarus
BEL Belgium
BGR Bulgaria
CAN Canada
CHL Chile
CZE Czech Republic
DNK Denmark
EST Estonia
FIN Finland
FRATNP France (total population)
FRACNP France (civilian population)
DEUTNP Germany (total population)
DEUTE Germany (east)
DEUTW Germany (west)
GRC Greece
HUN Hungary
ISL Iceland
IRL Ireland
ISR Israel
ITA Italy
JPN Japan
LVA Latvia
LTU Lithuania
LUX Luxembourg
NLD Netherlands
NZL_NP New Zealand (total population)
NZL_MA New Zealand (Maori population)
NZL_NM New Zealand (non-Maori population)
NOR Norway
POL Poland
PRT Portugal
RUS Russia
SVK Slovakia
SVN Slovenia
ESP Spain
SWE Sweden
CHE Switzerland
TWN Taiwan
GBR_NP United Kingdom
GBRTENW England & Wales (total population)
GBRCENW England & Wales (civilian population)
GBR_SCO Scotland
GBR_NIR Northern Ireland
UKR Ukraine


jschoeley/hmdget documentation built on May 20, 2019, 2:07 a.m.