Man pages for jsilve24/driver
Utility Functions from Justin Silverman

add_array_dimAdd 1 dimension to array
array_apply_1D_functionApply Function to 1 dimension of array along all others
array_lr_transformsLog-Ratios Transforms for Arrays
base_lr_transformsLog-Ratio Transformation
bdiagCreate Block Diagonal Matrix from Passed Matricies
centerCenter matrix (subtract row mean from each row)
clmConjugate Linear model
complete_cases_arrayTest for any/all non-NA along margin
convert_coda_covarianceConvert CoDA covariance matricies between representations
dmodeMode of a vector x
eu2logfoldchangeCalculate Equilvalent Log Fold Change for Given Change in...
gather_arrayGather Multidimensional Array to Tidy Tibble
invLogitInverse Logit Transformation of Vector
LogitLogit Transformation of Vector
lower_triangle_factorsVector to lower diagonal of matrix formed from factor by...
minicloClosure operator
miniclo_arrayClosure Operation applied to array on margin
onehotOne Hot Encoding of vector
sample_uniformSample Uniformily from various objects centered at the origin
split_along_dimSplit Multidimeninal array to a list along a specified...
spread_arraySpread data.frame
summarise_posteriorShortcut for summarize variable with quantiles and mean
vec_to_matCheck if Vector and if so, Convert to Row Matrix
jsilve24/driver documentation built on Jan. 30, 2022, 12:07 p.m.