
Calculate Multiple R-squared of a Data Set with Missing Data

Earhart is an 8 step process, plus the output: 1. Create the desired model based on the specified list of DVs and IVs; 2. Create an Amelia object from the model specified in Step 1. Meld the imputations to get regression coefficients; 3. Extract the imputations from the Amelia obejct; 4. Use the extracted values from Step 3 to manually calcualte the mean across imputations (this is done by the Amelia::meld in Step 2, but it stays under the hood); 5. Calcualte y-hat values using the means from Step 4 and the regression coefficients from Step 2; 6. Calcualte sum-of-squares of the y-hat values from Step 5 and the observed/imputed y values; 7. Calcualte the multiple R-squared effect size using the values from Step 6; 8. Use a specified R-squared adjustment to correct for model size and observations (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

END: Output the Multiple R-squared effect size.

jsraadt/Earhart documentation built on May 24, 2019, 4:07 a.m.