Man pages for jsta/rjsta
Jemma Stachelek's Personal Library of Functions

align_dfcolAlign a data.frame to a template
break_wordBreak a character string into two lines based on a specified...
cart2polConvert cartographic (x,y) coordinates to polar coordinates
cond2salConductivity to salinity conversion
configRead a file in R
date456posixConvert numeric dates in mddyy to POSIXct
dd2dmsConvert decimal degree coordinates to degrees, minutes, and...
dms2ddConvert numeric coordinate vectors in degrees, minutes, and...
download_zenodoDownload files from Zenodo record id
get_if_not_existsDownload a file if it doesn't already exist
get_intersectsGet intersecting sf subset
get_withinGet sf objects within a source object
gg_quantdotCreate a quantile dotplot in ggplot2
gitignoreAdd a file to a project's .gitignore list
is_lake_gageDetect if a USGS gage is upstream of a lake
jheatmapVisualize a corrr matrix with pheatmap
jsta-packagejsta: Jemma Stachelek's Personal Library of Functions
jstapplyA progress bar version of lapply without boilerplate overhead
key_stateJoin US state abbreviations to a data frame
lookupkeyConvert character vector based on lookup values
make_valid_geom_s2Rebuild an sf object geometry to fix cross edges
mdy2mmyyyyconvert m/d/yy to mm/dd/yyyy
pdf_tableCreate a pdf snapshot of a data.frame or kable output
plot_invisibleInvisibly push a base plot to a png file
point_in_polyReturn points in spatial (sp package) polygons
pol2cartConvert polar coordinates to cartographic (x,y) coordinates
svg_to_pdfConvert an svg file to pdf
tabularFormat a table for inclusion in roxygen docs
usa_sfUnited States basemap
wygenGenerate Water Year(WY) tags based on a POSIX date and...
yyyymm_expandExpand numeric dates in yyyymm to yyyy-mm
zero_padZero pad character vectors
jsta/rjsta documentation built on June 7, 2022, 8:39 p.m.