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The goal of racir is to provide fast and easy analysis of rapid A/Ci response (RACiR TM) data obtained using the LI-COR 6800 portable photosynthesis machine (LI-COR Biosciences, Lincoln, NB).

RACiR is a trademark of LI-COR Biosciences, and used with permission.

Please report bugs or suggest features to Dr. Joseph Ronald Stinziano at


read_6800() reads in a tab-delimited LI-COR 6800 file. racircalcheck() allows the user to run QAQC on the calibration RACiR data. racircal() calibrates one RACiR leaf data frame based on a calibration data frame. racircalbatch() calibrates multiple RACiR leaf data frames based on a single calibration data frame.

Notes & Help

For use on rapid A/Ci response data from other instruments, simply modify the varnames variable. Please contact Dr. Joseph R. Stinziano for more information.


To install the stable-release package from CRAN, run:


To install the development version, use the following commands. Windows users must have Rtools installed.

library(devtools) install_github("jstinzi/racir")

jstinzi/racir documentation built on Aug. 8, 2020, 1:13 a.m.