Man pages for jtextor/MotilityLab
Quantitative Analysis of Motion

aggregate.tracksCompute Summary Statistics of Subtracks
applyStaggeredCompute a Measure on a Track in a Staggered Fashion Tracks to Data Frame
as.list.tracksConvert from Tracks to List from Data Frame to Tracks
BCellsTwo-Photon Data: B Cells in a Lymph Node
beaucheminTrackSimulate a 3D Cell Track Using the Beauchemin Model
boundingBoxBounding Box of a Tracks Object
brownianTrackSimulate an Uncorrelated Random Walk
clusterTracksCluster Tracks
filterTracksFilter Tracks
hotellingsTestTest Unbiasedness of Motion
interpolateTrackInterpolate Track Positions
maxTrackLengthLength of Longest Track
motilityLab-packageMotilityLab: Quantitative Motion Analysis
NeutrophilsTwo-Photon Data: Neutrophils in an Infected Lung
normalizeToDurationNormalize a Measure to Track Duration
normalizeTracksNormalize Tracks
plot3dPlot Tracks in 3D
plotTrackMeasuresBivariate Scatterplot of Track Measures
plot.tracksPlot Tracks in 2D
prefixesGet Track Prefixes
projectDimensionsExtract Spatial Dimensions
read.tracks.csvRead Tracks from Text File
repairGapsProcess Tracks Containing Gaps
selectTracksSelect Tracks by Measure Values
simulateTracksGenerate Tracks by Simulation
sort.tracksSort Track Positions by Time
splitTrackSplit Track into Multiple Tracks
staggeredStaggered Version of a Function
subsampleSubsample Track by Constant Factor
subtracksDecompose Track(s) into Subtracks
TCellsTwo-Photon Data: T Cells in a Lymph Node
timeStepCompute Time Step of Tracks
TrackMeasuresTrack Measures
tracksTracks Objects
wrapTrackCreate Track Object from Single Track
jtextor/MotilityLab documentation built on May 20, 2019, 3:13 a.m.