BayesTraj is a package for Bayesian estimation of Group Based Trajectory Models (GBTMs). The package currently provides MCMC routines for four models:

  1. Bayesian single trajectory model
  2. Bayesian dual trajectory model
  3. Bayesian single trajectory with Bayesian Model Averaging
  4. Bayesian dual trajectory with Bayesian Model Averaging

Please see the corresponding vignettes for these four models in the doc/ folder for run instructions and examples. Vignettes are available in both PDF and HTML formats.

To install this package, run devtools::install_github("jtm508/BayesTraj") in RStudio.

Please note that the files in the analysis/ directory contain the source code used to generate the results in the paper. These are contained in the repository for replication and transparancy purposes and are not meant to be utilized by users of the package.

jtm508/bayestraj documentation built on May 5, 2020, 12:48 p.m.