scram.cutsets: Fault Tree Minimal Cut Set Determination Acquired from SCRAM

Description Usage Arguments Details Value References Examples

View source: R/scram.cutsets.R


Interconnection with SCRAM by transferred XML files permits advanced calculation of minimal cutsets


scram.cutsets(DF, method="mocus")



A fault tree dataframe such as returned from ftree.make or related add... functions. Fault tree elements must be either probability or exposed types, gates other than OR will be converted to AND. Fault tree shall not contain PRIORITY, ALARM nor VOTE gates.


A character string directing the method of cutset determination, must be "mocus", "bdd", or "zbdd".


"And one ring to bind them all ..." This function calls ftree2mef, callSCRAM, and readSCRAMcutsets appropriately for the entered ftree object. Temporary files for SCRAM input and output are produced in the process.


Returns a list of matrices containing tags of minimal cutsets. Each matrix on the list contains cutsets of a specific order, which is also the list item number.


Rauzy, Antoine, et. al. (2013) Open PSA Model Exchange Format v2.0

Limnios, Nikolaos (2007) Fault Trees ISTE Ltd.

Nicholls, David [Editor] (2005) System Reliability Toolkit Reliability information Analysis Center

O'Connor, Patrick D.T. (1991) Practical Reliability Engineering John Wiley & Sons

Fussell, J., Vesely, W.E. (1972) A New Method for Obtaining Cut Sets for Fault Trees Transactions ANS, No. 15

Ericson, Clifton A. II (2011) Fault Tree Analysis Primer CreateSpace Inc.

Vesely, W.E., Goldberg, F.F., Roberts, N.H., Haasl, D.F. (1981) Fault Tree Handbook U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Vesely, W.E., Stamatelato, M., Dugan, J., Fragola, J., Minarick, J., Railsback, J. (2002) Fault Tree Handbook with Aerospace Applications NASA

Doelp, L.C., Lee, G.K., Linney, R.E., Ormsby R.W. (1984) Quantitative fault tree analysis: Gate-by-gate method Plant/Operations Progress Volume 3, Issue 4 American Institute of Chemical Engineers


## This function is completely device dependent.

jto888/FaultTree.SCRAM documentation built on March 16, 2020, 9:22 a.m.