Man pages for jtr13/perceptron
What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)

circle_pointfunction to circle a point
draw_axesfunction to draw axes
draw_hyperplanefunction to draw a hyperplane
draw_mis_vectorfunction to draw a vector from origin to misclassified point
draw_mis_vector_addedfunction to draw weight vector + yi*xi
draw_new_weight_vectorfunction to draw new weight vector
draw_pointsfunction to draw points
draw_weight_vectorfunction to draw a weight vector
get_endpointsfunction to get endpoints of a line as it crosses through a...
interceptfunction to determine the intercept of a hyperplane
label_vectorfunction to label a vector
shiftfunction to determine the intersection ("shift") of a weight...
slopefunction to determine the slope of a hyperplane
jtr13/perceptron documentation built on May 20, 2019, 11:58 a.m.