
#' Les Miserables character nodes
#' A data file of nodes from Knuth's Les Miserables characters data base.
#' @format A data set with 77 observations of 2 variables, plus made up
#' node size variable.
#' @source See Mike Bostock \url{http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4062045}.

#' Les Miserables character links
#' A data file of links from Knuth's Les Miserables characters data base.
#' @format A data set with 254 observations of 3 variables.
#' @source See Mike Bostock \url{http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4062045}.

#' Edge list of REF (2014) journal submissions for Politics and International
#' Relations
#' @format A data set with 2732 rows and 3 variables.
#' @source See REF 2014 \url{http://results.ref.ac.uk/DownloadSubmissions/ByUoa/21}.
juandaserni/networkD3 documentation built on May 14, 2019, 8:04 a.m.