
Examples using INLA for Bayesian Regression Models

by Julian Faraway

You will need to install the brinla R package to run the examples described here.

These examples do not correspond exactly with found in the book. Some come from earlier drafts, some are not found in the book and some are experimental.

Worked Examples

Linear Mixed Model Examples

See for updated versions of these examples. The estimation procedure in INLA has changed since the output in the examples below was produced resulting in some noticeable changes. I keep these here for comparison purposes

These come from my Extending Linear Models with R book. I demonstrate these methods for each of the examples in the text. You'll need to read the text for more background on datasets and the interpretations or you can just look at the help pages for the datasets. I've focussed attention on the process for fitting the model and summaries. There's lots more you can do so these analyses are far from complete.

julianfaraway/brinla documentation built on April 6, 2023, 2:33 p.m.