usair: US Air Pollution

usairR Documentation

US Air Pollution


The data were collected to investigate the determinants of pollution by considering SO2 level as the dependent variable and the remaining variables being potential explanatory variables.




A data frame with 7 columns and 41 rows. The columns are:

  • SO2: Sulphur dioxide content of air in micrograms per cubic meter.

  • negtemp: Negative value of Average annual temperature in fahrenheit.

  • manuf: Number of manufacturing enterprises employing 20 or more workers.

  • pop: Population size (1970 census) in thousands.

  • wind: Average annual wind speed in miles per hour.

  • precip: Average annual precipitation in inches.

  • days: Average number of days with precipitation per year


Note that negtemp represents the negative value of average annual temperature.


Sokal and Rohlf (1981) Biometry: The Principles and Practices of Statistics in Biological Research


Hand, D. J., Daly, F., Lunn, A. D., McConway, K. J. and Ostrowski, E. (1994), A handbook of small data sets, Chapman and Hall, London.

Brian S Everitt. An R and S-PLUS companion to multivariate analysis. Springer Science & Business Media, 2006.



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