get_control: Format the optimization method controls

View source: R/controls.R

get_controlR Documentation

Format the optimization method controls


This function provides a way to merge the user specified controls for the optimization methods with their respective default controls.


get_control(method, control = list())



A character string. Type of algorithm to be used for global optimization. The four available methods are simulated annealing (GenSA), particle swarm (pso), genetic algorithm (GA), and grid search (gridSearch) Default is GenSA,


A list. Arguments to be used to control the behavior of the algorithm chosen in method. See controls section for more details.


A list. Arguments to be used to control the behavior of the algorithm chosen in method.


# Select method
method = "GenSA"

# Select control to modify and store in a list
control = list(maxit = 100)

# Get all controls for the method specify
MaxMC:::get_control(method = method, control = control)

julienneves/maxMC documentation built on June 24, 2024, 9:26 a.m.