dsplinefun: Wrapper of 'stats::splinefun' to generate densities and...

Description Usage Arguments Value


dsplinefun applies splinefun to generate an interpolation function with splines, but it limits the output of the resulting interpolation function to values between 0 and 1 to match the behavior of the density and distribution of probabilities functions.





Any parameters required by splinefun function to specify the spline interpolation. Typically, this includes the x, y coordinates of the data points.


returns a function with formal arguments x and deriv, the latter defaulting to zero. This function can be used to evaluate the interpolating cubic spline (deriv = 0), or its derivatives (deriv = 1, 2, 3) at the points x, where the spline function interpolates the data points originally specified.

juliosergio/spitools documentation built on May 24, 2019, 5:01 a.m.