Man pages for jvcasillas/ds4ling
Datasets and Functions developed for SPAN589: Data Science for Linguists

assumptions_dataData set for practicing model assumptions (synthetic).
diagnosisA function to plot model diagnostics
ds4ling_bw_themeds4ling plotting theme
ds4ling_themeds4ling plotting theme
gg_qqplotQQ-plot function
ice_cream_poisson_dataCoint data for teaching poisson regression (synthetic).
mrc_ex_dataAge, height, and math score data (synthetic).
plot_distA function to plot distributions
test_scoresTest score data (synthetic).
test_scores_rmRepeated measures test score data (synthetic).
vocab_dataVocabulary data (synthetic).
vot_logistic_dataVOT perception data for logistic regression (synthetic).
jvcasillas/ds4ling documentation built on April 8, 2021, 10:15 p.m.