Man pages for jverzani/gWidgetsWWW2.rapache
Toolkit implementation of the gWidgets API for use with web pages

addHandlerbind a handler to an object for a given signal
addHandlerChanged.GActionuse action as signal
add_keybindingAdd keybinding to document for this action. Key is value for...
addStockIconsadd stock icons ## add some stock icons
asIconMark a character as an Icon
bracketMethod for [
bracket_assignassignment method for "["
call_extcall an ext method
enabled_assignSet if widget is enabled
escape_single_quoteescape single quote
escape_slashnescape slash n
focusSet focus onto object.
gactiongaction implementation
galertquick alert message - not modal or obtrusive (dropped from...
gbasicdialoga basic dialog is just a vertical box container with a...
gborderlayoutA "border" layout is a 5-panel layout where satellite panels...
gcalendarcalendar widget
gcanvasWidget containing a canvas element.
gcheckboxcheckbox widget
gcheckboxgroupA group of checkboxes
gcheckboxtableDefault to gtable with 'checkbox' selection.
gconfirmConfirmation dialog
get_stock_icon_by_namereturn CSS class of icon
gexpandgroupexpandable box container
gfileFile selection form
gframeFramed box container
ggroupThe basic box container
gimageContainer for an image
ginputinput dialog.
gmenuMenubar implementation
gmessageA simple message dialog.
gnotebookNotebook container
gpanelA panel to hold other JavaScript things
gpanel_load_externalLoad urls then run callback
gradioRadio button group
gseparatorSeparator - insert separator line
gsliderslider widget
gspinbuttonBasic spinbutton
gstackwidgetstack widget is a "card" container. Use 'gnotebook' methods...
gstatusbarStatus bar for gwindow instances
gsvgContainer for an image
gtempfilemake a tempfile that works through a url
gtextA text area widget
gtimerBasic timer widget
gwidgetwidget template
gWidgets-handlersexpand or collapse handler
gWidgetsWWW2-handlersName given to most common action (widget changed state, ...)
gWidgetsWWW2-or|| with NULL
isIconIs this an icon? (has class Icon)
isURLIs value a URL: either of our class URL or matches url...
length.GComponentlength method for GComponent's
make_urlMake url with url base appended
ouroror with NULL
rrcycleLike x[i], but recycles and handles NULL
set_button_iconSet the icon for this button
set_panel_collapsecollapse or expand (collapse=FALSE) collapsible panel
set_panel_sizeset theh panel size
size_assignSet size property, if implemented
svalueReturn main value associated with a widget
svalue_assignSet main value associated with a widget
svalue.GTempFilesvalue returns file name
svalue-set.GTempFileset the file name
tooltipSet a tooltip for the widget
visibleGenerically returns if widget is in visible state
visible_assignPrimarily used to set if widget is shown, but also has other...
visible-set.defaultassignment method for visible
jverzani/gWidgetsWWW2.rapache documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:19 a.m.