``` {r echo=FALSE, results="asis"}

Nothing to see here ... move along

require("questionr", quietly=TRUE) page <- questionr:::Page$new() nav <- questionr:::NavBar$new() cat(page$write_header())

`r I(nav$write_header("Setting up the server", ""))`

`r I(nav$add("About"))`

The package runs under the `Rook` package for now and nothing else. 

`r I(nav$add("Configure"))`

The following needs to be configured:

* the `janrain.com` API key must be requested and put into the configuration file

* The configuration file default is in the `rook` subdirectory. This should be moved to some convenient place. One should edit the defaults.

file.copy(system.file("servers", "rook", "config.dcf", package="questionr"), "somespot"
file.copy(system.file("servers", "rook", "Rook.sh", package="questionr"), "somespot"

Once all that is done, one starts the server by calling Rook.sh

r I(nav$add("Reverse Proxy"))

One can expose Rook to the wider world or use a reverse proxy to call Rook internally. The Apache web server makes it fairly easy to set up a reverse proxy. One benefit is this allows you to avoid the custom part of the url.

r I(nav$write_footer()) r I(page$write_footer())

jverzani/questionr documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:20 a.m.