
var student_answers = {}; var comments = {missing:"Missing answer", correct:"Correct", incorrect:"Incorrect"}; var student_id = "{{{STUDENT_ID}}}"; var page_id = "{{{PAGE_ID}}}";

Setting up the server

  • About
  • ");

    The package runs under the Rook package for now and nothing else.

  • Configure
  • ");

    The following needs to be configured:

    Once all that is done, one starts the server by calling

  • Reverse Proxy
  • ");

    One can expose Rook to the wider world or use a reverse proxy to call Rook internally. The Apache web server makes it fairly easy to set up a reverse proxy. One benefit is this allows you to avoid the custom part of the url.

    $('body').css('margin', '40px 10px'); //$('body').attr('data-offset','40'); //$('body').attr('data-target','#subnav'); $('body').attr('data-spy','scroll'); //$('[data-spy="scroll"]').each(function () { // var $spy = $(this).scrollspy('refresh') //});
    var tmp = $(".nav-tabs") $.each(tmp, function(key, value) { $("#" + + " a:first").tab("show") }); $("#navbar").scrollspy(); $("body").attr("data-spy", "scroll"); $("[data-spy=\'scroll\']").each(function () { var $spy = $(this).scrollspy("refresh") }); function comment_default(grade, stud_ans, comment, def) { var cmt = ""; if(grade == 100) { cmt = def.correct; } else if(typeof(comment) != "undefined") { if(typeof(comment[stud_ans]) != "undefined") { cmt = comment[stud_ans]; } else { cmt = def.incorrect; } } else { cmt = def.incorrect; } return cmt; }; function comment_checkgroup(grade, stud_ans, comment, def) { var tmp = []; $.each(stud_ans, function(key, value) {if(value !== null) tmp.push(value)}); return comment_default(grade, tmp.sort().join("::"), comment, def); }; function comment_numeric(grade, stud_ans, value, comment, def) { var cmt = ""; if(grade == 100) { cmt = def.correct; } else if(typeof(comment) != "undefined") { if(stud_ans < value[0]) { if(typeof(comment.less) != "undefined") { cmt = comment.less } else { cmt = def.incorrect } } else if(stud_ans > value[1]) { if(typeof(comment.more) != "undefined") { cmt = comment.more } else { cmt = def.incorrect } } } else { cmt = def.incorrect; } return cmt; } function grade_radio(ans, value) {return( ans == value ? 100 : 0) }; function grade_checkboxgroup(ans, value) { var out=[]; $.each(ans, function(key, value) { if(value != null) { out.push(value) }}); if(out.length != value.length) { return(0) }; out = out.sort(); var value = value.sort() for(var i=0; i < out.length; i++) { if(out[i] != value[i]) { return(0) } } return(100) }; function grade_typeahead(ans, value) { return( (ans == value) ? 100 : 0 )}; function grade_combo(ans, value) { return( (ans == value) ? 100 : 0) }; function grade_numeric(ans, value) { return( (ans >= value[0] && ans <= value[1]) ? 100 : 0) }; function submit_work(status) { $.ajax({ url:"/set_answers", type:"POST", data: { answers:JSON.stringify(student_answers), status:status, project_id:page_id }, success:function(data) { window.location.replace(""); } }); }; function set_radio(id, value) { $("#" + id + " [value=" + value + "]").attr("checked", true); }; function set_checkboxgroup(id, value) { $("#" + id + " [type=checkbox]").attr("checked", false); $.each(value, function(idx, val) { $("#" + id + " [value=" + val + "]").attr("checked", true) }) }; function set_typeahead(id, value) { $("#" + id).val(value) }; function set_combo(id, value) { if(value.length > 0) { $("#" + id + " [value=" + value + "]").attr("selected", true) } else { $("#" + id)[0].selectedIndex=0; } }; function set_numeric(id, value) { $("#" + id).val(value) }; function set_free(id, value) { $("#" + id).val(value); }; function set_answer(o) { var id = o.problem; var value = o.answer; var type = o.type if(type == "radio") { set_radio(id, value) } else if(type == "checkbox") { set_checkboxgroup(id, value) } else if(type == "typeahead") { set_typeahead(id, value) } else if(type == "combo") { set_combo(id, value) } else if(type == "numeric") { set_numeric(id, value) } else if(type == "free") { set_free(id, value) } }; function set_answers(status, stud_ans) { $.each(stud_ans, function(key, value) { set_answer(value); if(typeof(value.comment) != "undefined") { var cmt = '
    ×' + value.comment + '
    ' var x = $("#" + value.problem + "_help"); if(x.length > 0) { x[0].innerHTML = cmt; } if(status == "graded") { var x = $("#" + value.problem + "_comment"); if(x.length > 0) { x[0].innerHTML = cmt; } } } }); }; var is_open=false; function write_grade_table() { var a = student_answers; if(is_open) { $("#gradealert").alert('close'); } else { $("#grade_alert").append('
    '); $("#fillmein").append('
    '); $("#gradealert").append('

    Congratulations, your scores so far are:

    '); $("#gradealert").append(''); $("#gradealert").append("
    "); $("#grade_alert_table").append('ProblemScoreComment'); var icon_lookup = {true:"icon-thumbs-up", false:"icon-thumbs-down", missing:"icon-warning-sign"}; var msg_lookup = {true:"Correct", false: "Incorrect", missing:"Missing"}; $.each(a, function() { $("#grade_alert_table").append("" + "" + "" + "Problem " + this.problem.replace("prob_", "") + "" + " " + " " + msg_lookup[this.grade] + "" + "" + this.comment + "" + ""); }) $("#grade_alert_table").append(''); $(".grade_clicker").each(function() { this.onclick = function() {$("#gradealert").alert('close')}}) $("#gradealert").alert(); is_open = true; $("#gradealert").bind("closed", function() {is_open=false}); } }; $(document).ready(function() { $(".btn").button() var cmt_defaults={correct:comments.correct, incorrect:comments.incorrect, missing:comments.missing }; var fix_badge = function(key, tries, answer, comment) { $('#' + key + "_badge").each(function() {this.innerHTML = tries + (tries == 1 ? " try" : " tries")}); $.each(['badge-info', 'badge-warning', 'badge-success'], function(idx, value) { $('#' + key + "_badge").removeClass(value) }); if(answer == true) { $('#' + key + "_badge").addClass("badge-success"); } else { $('#' + key + "_badge").addClass("badge-warning"); }; $('#' + key + "_help").each(function() { this.innerHTML= "
    ×" + comment + "
    "; }); } var close_comment = function(key) { $("#" + key + "_comment > .alert").alert("close"); }; $("[type=\'radio\']").each(function() { student_answers[]={, type:'radio', tries:0}; this.onchange = function() { var key =; var sans = this.value; var answer = grade_radio(sans, actual_answers[key].value); var comment = comment_default(answer, sans, comments[key], cmt_defaults); var tries = student_answers[key].tries + 1; student_answers[key] = { problem:key, type:'radio', tries:tries, answer:sans, grade:answer, comment:comment }; fix_badge(key, tries, answer, comment); } } ); $("[type=\'checkbox\']").each(function() { var n = $("#" + + "> .checkbox").length var ans = {}; for(i=1; i <= n; i++) {ans[ + "_" + i] = null;} student_answers[] = { problem:, type:'checkbox', tries:0, answer:ans }; this.onchange = function() { var key =; var sans = student_answers[key].answer; if(this.checked) { sans[] = this.value; } else { sans[] = null; } var answer = grade_checkboxgroup(sans, actual_answers[key].value); var comment = comment_checkgroup(answer, sans, comments[key], cmt_defaults); var tries = student_answers[key].tries + 1; student_answers[key] = { problem:key, type:'checkbox', tries:tries, answer:sans, grade:answer, comment:comment }; fix_badge(key, tries, answer, comment) } }); $(".typeahead").each(function() { if( > 0) { student_answers[]={, type:'typeahead', tries:0}; } this.onchange = function() { var key =; var sans = this.value; var answer = grade_typeahead(sans, actual_answers[key].value); var comment = comment_default(answer, sans, comments[key], cmt_defaults); var tries = student_answers[key].tries + 1; student_answers[key] = { problem:key, type:"typeahead", tries:student_answers[key].tries + 1, answer:sans, grade:answer, comment:comment }; fix_badge(key, tries, answer, comment) } }); $(".combobox").each(function() { student_answers[]={, type:'combo', tries:0}; this.onchange = function() { var key =; var sans = this.value; var answer = grade_combo(sans, actual_answers[key].value); var comment = comment_default(answer, sans, comments[key], cmt_defaults); var tries = student_answers[key].tries + 1; student_answers[key] = { problem:key, type:"combo", tries:tries, answer:sans, grade:answer, comment:comment }; fix_badge(key, tries, answer, comment) } }); $(".numeric_answer").each(function() { student_answers[]={, type:'numeric', tries:0}; this.onchange = function() { var key =; var sans = this.value; var answer = grade_numeric(sans, actual_answers[key].value); var comment = comment_numeric(answer, sans, actual_answers[key].value, comments[key], cmt_defaults); var tries = student_answers[key].tries + 1; student_answers[key] = { problem:key, type:"numeric", tries:tries, answer:sans, grade:answer, comment:comment }; fix_badge(key, tries, answer, comment) } }); $(".free").each(function() { student_answers[]={, type:'free', tries:0}; this.onchange = function() { var key =; var sans = this.value; student_answers[key].answer = sans; }; }); var restore_badges = function(x) { $.each(x, function(key, value) { var badge = $("#" + key + "_badge"); if(badge.length > 0) { var tries = x[key].tries; badge[0].innerHTML = tries + " tries" } }) } // get answers from server, restore $.ajax({ url:"http://localhost:9000/custom/quizr/get_answers", type:'POST', data:{ project_id:page_id}, success:function(data, status, jqxhr) { if(data.status == "error") { return null; } student_answers = data.answers; set_answers(data.status, data.answers); restore_badges(student_answers); if(data.status == "graded") { // no more changes! $("button").addClass("disabled"); $("button").each(function() {this.onclick=null}); $.each($('[id*="prob"]'), function() {this.onchange = null}); $("input").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $("select").attr("disabled", "disabled"); $(".badge").each(function() {this.innerHTML = "graded"}); $("#main_message").append('
    ×This was already graded, no more changes are possible.
    '); } } }); }); var actual_answers=[]; comments={ "missing": "Missing answer","correct": "Correct answer","incorrect": "Incorrect answer" };

    jverzani/questionr documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:20 a.m.