``` {r echo=FALSE, results="asis"}

process with knitr:::knit2html("filename.Rmd")

Nothing to see here ... move along

require("questionr", quietly=TRUE) page <- questionr:::Page$new() nav <- questionr:::NavBar$new() cat(page$write_header()) ``r I(nav$write_header("Using the questionr package", "Basic explanations"))`

r I(nav$add("About"))

The questionr package has two purposes:

The writing of quizzes, called "projects" below is discussed elsewhere. For the rest of this document we will discuss the basic web framework presented for holding a section.

r I(nav$add("Logging on"))

One goal of the project was to avoid having to deal with different user logins and passwords. Students already have too many. The concept of openID allows multiple websites to share login credentials. This package uses janrain.com to provide a service that allows users to login with several different account identities include google and yahoo accounts. It is possible to link up with FaceBook accounts, but this hasn't been done.

Users should close the browser when finished if they wish to logout or use the logout feature.

When a user first logs in, they are enrolled as a student in the system. By default, a student is not part of any sections. They need to enroll. A student has the option of enrolling in a public section or a private one, if they know the section ID. The basic idea is a student will be given a section ID by an instructor and they will then enroll.

A teacher must be given additional roles within the system. To make a request to be a teacher, requires someone to

r I(nav$add("The student view"))

Students have very limited options:

Working on a project is the only confusing aspect. Projects are one long web page. Navigation is aided by a top-level navigation bar if provided. A project can have several questions embedded in it. These questions can be written to be self grading or may need to be graded by the teacher of the section. Questions can have a badge to keep track of the number of attempts, comments on a particular attempt, and hints to aid in the question. Whether these features is present depends on the project as written.

The basic flow is that student answer the questions as indicated. When done they can "save" the work for their return or they can submit the work to be graded. Once submitted, no more changes are possible.

The main student view shows the graded work and gives links to work on projects. In addition messages left for the student are displayed here.

r I(nav$add("The teacher view"))

Teachers have many possibilities

r I(nav$write_footer())

r I(page$write_footer())

jverzani/questionr documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:20 a.m.