
## Configuration options, for now. Should be set externally to package and sourced in.

## Branding at top of page
BRANDING <- " <h1>logo name<small>&nbsp;Some branding content to go here</small></h1>"
PAGE_TITLE_DEFAULT <- "questionr"

## base URL. Using Rook for now
base_url <- "http://localhost:9000/custom/quizr"

## base URL for bootstrap css and js files
bootstrap_base_url <- ""

## table directory
table_dir <- "/Users/verzani/tmp/quizr"

## where we keep the project files
base_project_dir <- sprintf("%s/project_files", table_dir)

## secret! Get from Janrain
API_key <- ""
jverzani/questionr documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:20 a.m.