Man pages for jwbannister/maricungaVeg

assign_points_to_polygonsAssign points an area id bif they are inside defined...
build_dates_indexBuild an index of dates for which LAI images are available.
build_hdfBuild HDF5 file.
build_lai_stackBuild a stack of LAI values.
build_lai_window_summarySummarize LAI data around a day of the year.
build_points_stackBuild a stack of points and locations.
build_polygon_dfTransform a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object into a data
clean_laiClean LAI dataframe.
clean_locsClean point locations dataframe.
create_rasterCreate raster.
drill_downGet values from all layers of raster stack.
get_patch_dataBuild get data to patch missing offseason readings.
isolate_areaStrip a raster down to pre-defined zone.
load_dbfsRead and concatenate multiple DBF files.
load_gdb_pointsRead geodatabase file.
makePNGWrite a .PNG file from a ggplot2 object.
melt_laiMelt LAI dataframe.
normalize_datesNormalize all dates to a single year.
plot_rasterPlot raster using ggplot.
plot_raster_pointsPlot raster using ggplot.
raster_to_dfConvert a raster to a data frame.
write_airscidbWrite to Air Sciences PostgreSQL database.
jwbannister/maricungaVeg documentation built on May 20, 2019, 6:22 a.m.