Man pages for jwdink/survbayes
Tools for bayesian survival-regression, with Stan and MAP

contr.fullContrasts where each factor-level is explicitly represented
crossv_loglikGet Cross-Validated Log-Likelihood
get_dist_infoGet information about a survival distribution
get_roy_parm_function_block_codeGet Stan code for helper functions for Royston/Parmar-splines
get_terms_mappingGet mapping from column names to model-terms and vice versa
logLik.survreg_mapMethod for extracting logLiklihood from 'survreg_map'.
make_roy_parm_spline_stan_model_codeGenerate Stan model-code for fitting a model with the...
merge_formulaeMerge a list of formulae
plot_coefsPlot model coefficients
predict.survreg_mapPredict method for 'survreg_map'
roy_parm_basisGet the basis matrix for the Royston/Parmar-spline...
roy_parm_log_cumu_hazGet the log-cumulative hazard for a set of log-times given a...
set_priorSet prior
standardize_formulaeStandardize formula arguments
stan_to_r_pdfMap the name of a PDF in Stan to its name in R
survbayessurvbayes package
SurvintSurvival object allowing for data that is both...
survreg_mapSurvival Regression with MAP
update.survreg_mapUpdate method for 'survreg_map'
jwdink/survbayes documentation built on May 4, 2019, 4:23 p.m.