Man pages for jweile/yogitools
Yogi Tools

as.dfConvert list of lists into data.frame
c2qConvert from Raw coordinate to Quadrant address
canReadCan read file
colAlphaAdd alpha channel
colmapCreate a color gradient function
colmapLegendDraw legend for a color gradient map
comboSet of subsets
drawPvalBracketHelper function for drawing p-values over barplots
errorBarsHelper function for drawing error bars
extract.groupsExtract regex groups (local)
finRemove infinite and NA values
findRunsFinds runs of TRUE values in a boolean vector
getArgGet CLI argument
global.extract.groupsExtract regex groups (global)
grapes-greater-than-grapesenvelop a function in another
is.colorChecks if a string is a valid color
ith.rankGet i'th rank from list
mccMatthew's correlation coefficient (MCC)
new.cluster.mapCluster mapper
new.counterCreate new Counter
q2cConvert from Quadrant to Coordinate adress
rowApplyapply a function to a data.frame's rows
runningFunctionGeneric function for running means/medians etc across 2D data
toCharsDeconstruct a string into single characters
to.dfConvert row-bound lists to data.frame
topoScatterTopographical scatterplot
weightedAveragejoin multiple datapoints weighted by stdev
zbind3D-bind matrices
jweile/yogitools documentation built on May 11, 2023, 7:42 p.m.