License: GPL v3


This is an R packages for Genomics, quantGen, and popGen studies, especially for crop species. This package was intended for internal lab usage. It has not been extensively tested. Use at your own risk.


Install devtools first, and then use devtools to install g3tools from github.


List all the functions in the package and find help.

ls(getNamespace("g3tools"), all.names=FALSE)

List of Functions

Phenotype Simulations from genotypic data

  1. simcrop: this function can simulate phenotypes with user specified distribution. (normal, gamma, or uniform).
  2. sim_qtl_pheno: simulate phenotype for given number of QTLs.

Quantative Genetics

  1. get_BLUP: Estimate best linear unbiased predictor (BLUP) of the phenotypic values.
  2. get_H2: get broad sense heritability from BLUP model.


Stay tuned. It is under development!


It is a free and open source software, licensed under GPLv3.

jyanglab/g3tools documentation built on May 20, 2019, 6:27 a.m.