Man pages for jylhaisi/post-processing-mos-point-utils
Useful functions for MOS point forecasts

circular_variable_differenceA function which calculates the smallest difference between...
conditional.quantile.extremesPlots conditional quantile plots from two datasets
define_time_seriesDefining time series with fixed intervals
helloHello, World!
ifrmSmall helper function to remove selected variables in a...
interpolate_NA_valuesInterpolating (timeseries) values
is.NullObA function that tests whether an object is either NULL _or_ a...
lappendAdd object to a list
loadRDataA function for reading in data files
MOSpointutils-packageMiscellaneous tools mainly for data handling and manipulation
plot_points_on_mapPlots points to a map on a user defined lat-lon box,...
rmNullObsA function that recursively removes all only-NULL lists among...
unwhich#' Test if x not in y #' #' @description This is the opposite...
jylhaisi/post-processing-mos-point-utils documentation built on May 20, 2019, 6:14 p.m.