Man pages for jzemmels/statsfoRdummies
STAT 585 Final Project

bootstrapProcessShow animated/still bootstapping process
bootstrapSampleGenerate bootstrap samples
hypTest_promptReturns a randomly selected hypothesis test prompt
pipePipe operator
ploterrorsPlot Type I and Type II Error
plotModalPlot a random distribution with differing modality
plotNormalPlot a normal distribution
plotOutlierPlot a random distribution with differing outliers
plotShapePlot a random distribution with differing shape
randomSampleGenerate an arbitrary number of random samples from a normal...
randomSample_histogramGenerate a histogram of a random sample
runShinyLaunch the statsfoRstudents shiny app
sampleData_meansSample means of 100 normal random samples
sampleMeans_histogramGenerate a histogram of sample means
updateSampleMeansCreate/update a data frame of sample means
jzemmels/statsfoRdummies documentation built on Oct. 31, 2020, 6:58 a.m.