Man pages for kahaaga/tstools
Useful functions

aaft_surrogateGenerate an amplitude adjusted Fourier transform surrogate...
binBin a dataset with multiple columns by one of the columns.
bin_equallyspaced_dfCreate equally spaced bins for a column of a data frame.
bin_equallyspaced_vectorCreate equally spaced bins for a vector.
boxplot_maximumFind the largest v less than or equal to upper hinge of...
boxplot_minimumFind the smallest v greater than or equal to lower hinge of...
ccmPerforms CCM for a given lag.
ccm_laggedCross-mapping from one variable to another variable over a...
ccm_lagged_onewayCross-mapping from one variable to another variable over a...
ccm_on_single_libsizePerforms CCM for a single set of parameters and a specified...
ccm_over_library_sizesPerforms CCM over multiple library sizes. This function only...
ce_surrogateGenerate a surrogate series using Davies and Harte's...
contains_naCheck if input contains any NA values.
create_surrogate_dataframesCreate a dataframe of multiple surrogate series.
datamodelDraws a random data model given a vector 'data' and its...
datamodel_sigmasDraws random data according to a Gaussian distribution...
datamodel_truncatedDraws random data according to a Gaussian with standard...
dh_surrogateGenerate a Davison and Hinkley's surrogate series. Randomises...
directionalcausaltestSummarise a lagged CCM result.
draw_agemodelDraw a random, strictly increasing age model given a vector...
draw_random_agesA wrapper around agemodel that returns a matrix of multiple...
draw_random_dataDraws random datagiven a vector 'data' and its associated...
ebisuzaki_surrogateGenerate a phase-randomised surrogate according to Ebisuzaki.
ExponentalRegression2Performs an exponential regression on the form p = p_max -...
find_local_maximaFinds peaks in a time series by using a sliding window.
find_local_minimaFinds troughs in a time series by using a sliding window.
find_peaksFinds peaks in a time series by using a sliding window....
find_troughsFinds peaks in a time series by using a sliding window....
first_acf_minimaFinds the first minima or zero of the autocorrelation...
first_local_minimaFinds the index of the first local minima in a series. If...
first_mi_minimaFinds the first minima or zero of the mutual information (mi)...
get_convergence_parametersComputes various parameters that can be used to determine if...
iaaft_surrogateGenerate an iterated amplitude-adjusted Fourier transform...
is_valid_inputChecks if an input vector is valid.
optimise_dim_boxcountFinds the minimal embedding dimension of a series 'v'...
optimise_dim_FNNFinds the minimal embedding dimension of a series 'v'...
optimise_dim_simplexFinds the minimal embedding dimension of a series 'v'...
optimise_embedding_dimFinds the optimal embedding dimensions and embedding lags for...
periodogramComputes a periodogram for a time series. Wrapper around...
phase_randomised_surrogateGenerate a phase randomised surrogate according to Theiler.
random_surrogateGenerate a surrogate series by randomly shuffling the values...
remove_outliersRemoves outliers from a vector (values outside 1.5 * IQR).
summary_statsComputes a set of basic statistics for a scalar valued vector
surrogate_ccmCross-mapping for a surrogate ensemble.
surrogate_ensembleGenerates surrogate series for 'ts', which is a numeric...
validate_surrogate_methodChecks if a given surrogate method is among the currently...
kahaaga/tstools documentation built on May 24, 2019, 5:01 a.m.