Man pages for kaijagahm/ygdpAddSurvey
Add a Survey to the YGDP Database

anaeANAE dialect regions
carverCarver dialect regions
checkCompletionCheck survey completion and annotate the AMT table
checkMasterListColumnsCheck whether the master list contains the required columns
checkMasterListSentenceIDsCheck whether the master list has any duplicate sentenceID's...
checkRawDupNamesCheck for duplicate column-names-to-be in the raw data
checkSentenceCommentNumbersCheck that the number of comments columns matches the number...
countiesUS counties shapefiles
fixNamesFix the names from the qualtrics table
howManySentencesCheck how many TS, CU, CG, and comments columns the data...
makeCensusCountyDemoMake the CENSUS_COUNTY_DEMO table
makeCensusUrbanAreasMake the CENSUS_URBAN_AREAS table
makeCommentsMake the COMMENTS table
makeConstructionsMake the CONSTRUCTIONS table
makeDemoGeoMake the DEMO_GEO table
makeDialectRegionsMake the DIALECT_REGIONS table
makeQuestionsMake the QUESTIONS table
makeRatingsMake the RATINGS table
makeResponsesMake the RESPONSES table
makeSentencesMake the SENTENCES table
makeSpokenLangsMake the SPOKEN_LANGS table
makeSurveyCommentsMake the SURVEY_COMMENTS table
makeSurveysMake the SURVEYS table
makeSurveySentencesMake the SURVEY_SENTENCES table
makeTechThis function creates the TECH database table from raw survey...
makeUpdateMetadataMake the UPDATE_METADATA table
makeVersionHistoryMake the VERSION_HISTORY table
nswNSW dialect regions
pipePipe operator
preprocessDataPreprocess data
removeGeoRemove any obsolete geography columns
saveQuestionIDsSave questionID's
uaColsUS urban areas shapefiles (non-geometry columns only)
uaGeomUS urban areas shapefiles (geometry column only)
updateTableAppend a newly-created table to the existing database table
kaijagahm/ygdpAddSurvey documentation built on July 22, 2021, 2:11 p.m.