
#' @title Adaptive Rejection Sampling
#' @description Adaptive Rejection Sampling from log-concave density functions h(x)
#' @param h input a valid probability density function we want to sample from, the function h(x) should only take one argument x. i.e. correct: h = function(x) \{dnorm(x,0,1)\}; wrong: h = function(x,mean = 0,sd = 1) \{dnorm(x,mean,sd)\}
#' @param start lower bound of the domain of h(x)
#' @param end upper bound of the domain of h(x)
#' @param N sample size
#' @param k number of starting points, the default is 3
#' @param x1 the right starting point, if NULL, the function will find one
#' @param xk the left starting point, if NULL, the function will find one
#' @export
#' @import rlang numDeriv
#' @return a vector of N sampled value from the density h(x)
#' @examples
#' library(ars)
#' h = function(x){dnorm(x)}
#' sample = ars(h = h,start = -Inf , end = Inf,N = 100)
#' hist(sample)
ars = function(h,start,end,N,k = 3,x1 = NULL,xk = NULL){
  ## function input check
    stop("Please input a valid function h")
    stop("Please input valid lower bound")
    stop("Please input valid upper bound")

    stop("Please input one numeric value as sample size N")
    stop("Please input one numeric value as number of starting points k or use default")

  if(!is.null(x1) & (!is.numeric(x1)|length(x1)!=1)){
    stop("Please input one numeric value as starting point x1 or use default")
  if(!is.null(xk) & (!is.numeric(xk)|length(xk)!=1)){
    stop("Please input one numeric value as starting point xk or use default")

  # choosing the starting point
    if (!is.infinite(start) && !is.infinite(end)) {
      x1_choose = start + 0.01
      xk_choose = end - 0.01
    } else {
      result = suppressWarnings(initial_point_sample(h, start, end))
      x1_choose = result[1]
      xk_choose = result[3]

    # if the user don't specify, we will choose the starting point for them
    if (is.null(x1)) {
      x1 = x1_choose
    if (is.null(xk)) {
      xk = xk_choose

  #### convert function to log
  f = convert_log(h)
  ## domain check
  domain_check(f,start, end, x1, xk)
  ## concave
  case = log_concave_check(f,x1,xk)

  if (case == 1) {
    # uniform case
    u2 = runif(N,start,end)
  } else if (case == 2){
    # exponential case
    left = start
    right = end
    m = numDeriv::grad(func = f, x = start, method = "simple")
    u2 = runif(N,0,1)
    x_star = log(u2*(exp(m*right) - exp(m*left)) + exp(m*left))/m
  } else if (case == 3) {

    ### Initialize Tk,l,u,s,z
    Tk = initial_Tk(f,x1,xk, k = k); zlist = initial_zlist(f,Tk,start,end)

    z = zlist[[1]]; u = update_u(f,Tk,z); l = update_l(f,Tk)

    ### Start sampling loop
    sample = numeric(N); count = 0
      ## need sample_from_u()
      x = samp_ars(f,Tk,start = start,end = end,zlist = zlist)
      uni = runif(1)

      if(length(exp(l(x)-u(x)))!= 1){
        stop("Generated numbers that exceed machine maximum, try to run again or modify the input h(x)")
      }else if(is.na(exp(l(x)-u(x)))| is.null(exp(l(x)-u(x)))){
        stop("Generated numbers that exceed machine maximum, try to run again or modify the input h(x)")
      ## Squeezing Test
      if(uni <= exp(l(x)-u(x))){
        count = count + 1
        sample[count] = x
      else if(uni <= exp(f(x)-u(x))){
        ## Rejection Test
        count = count + 1
        sample[count] = x
        ### updating step
        zlist = update_zlist(f,zlist,Tk,x)
        Tk = update_Tk(Tk,x)
        z = zlist[[1]]
        u = update_u(f,Tk,z)
        l = update_l(f,Tk)
      } else{
        ### updating step
        zlist = update_zlist(f,zlist,Tk,x)
        Tk = update_Tk(Tk,x)
        z = zlist[[1]]
        u = update_u(f,Tk,z)
        l = update_l(f,Tk)

  } else {
    stop("The function is not log-concave, please input the log-concave function")
kaiwei-berkeley/ars documentation built on May 21, 2019, 10:12 a.m.