Man pages for kalimu/LimeRick
Bridge between R and LimeSurvey

helloHello, World!
LimeRickBridge between LimeSurvey and R
lsAddFeedbackFunction for adding new feedback for the package todo:...
lsAddPackageStatsFunction for adding new stats of using package functions...
lsAddResponseFunction for adding new responses to the survey todo:...
lsAPIFunction directly calling the LimeSurvey API todo:...
lsGetAnswerOptionsFunction for getting answer options for the question todo:...
lsGetPackageStatsFunction for getting stats of using package functions todo:...
lsGetPropertiesFunction for getting question or survey properties todo:...
lsGetResponsesFunction for getting responses from a survey via LimeSurvey...
lsGetSummaryFunction for getting survey summary todo: documentation
lsListFunction for listing surveys, groups or questions todo:...
lsSessionKeyFunction getting and releasing LimeSurvey API session key...
kalimu/LimeRick documentation built on May 20, 2019, 6:32 a.m.