Man pages for kamapu/Lexiguel
Miscellaneous Functions

barsPlotting Bars
error_barsPlotting Dots and Error Bars
fill_nasReplacing missing values from a reference table.
four_communities-dataVegetation-Plots Sampled in Four Syntaxa
gap_idIdentifying and filling gaps
Lexiguel-packageA Mingle-Mangle of Functions for R.
lim_barsLimits bar plot
plot.SLOSSPlotting SLOSS curves
rc_gaps-dataPlant Diversity in Forest Gaps on the Robinson Crusoe Island
recursive_depsList Package Dependencies Recursively
shadowplotShadowplots for categorical variables
signif_groupsRetrieve significant groups after pairwise post-hoc tests
slossCalculation of SLOSS-Curves and -Index
stringplotPlot for Distribution of Categorical Variables
tab4netPrepare inputs for sankeyNetwork()
WHscores-dataWET-health Scores in East African Assessment Units
kamapu/Lexiguel documentation built on May 14, 2024, 9:14 a.m.