Man pages for kamclean/collaborator
Scalable multi-centre research using R and REDCap

author_namePull first name(s) and last name for a given list of orcid
collapse01Collapse a group of binary variables (e.g. those generated by...
dag_manageGenerate REDCap summary data.
data_dictGenerate a data dictionary.
example_data_dictExample dataset of surgical patients
example_df_userExample dataset of REDCap users
example_report_authorExample dataset of authors
group2csvSplit a tibble/dataframe into CSV by "group" variable
orcid_namePull first name(s) and last name for a given list of orcid
orcid_validValidate vector of ORCID
redcap_compareCompare multiple REDCap projects to determine discrepancies...
redcap_dataExport REDCap dataset and label using metadata
redcap_format_repeatChange structure of repeating data
redcap_logExport the redcap log
redcap_metadataExport REDCap metadata (with individual checkbox variables if...
redcap_sumGenerate REDCap summary data.
report_authGenerate a formatted authorship list.
report_missGenerate a missing data report for a REDCap project.
user_importGenerate a csv file to upload new user accounts to REDCap
user_manageUsed to manage REDCap project users
user_roleIdentifies unique REDCap user roles
user_summariseSummarise the REDCap user dataframe by group (data access...
kamclean/collaborator documentation built on Nov. 17, 2023, 3:52 a.m.