patentr: patentr: A package for analyzing patent data.

Description Details load functions clean functions patentr data


The package is a data processing and reporting tool of patent data sets for patent analysts.


The package is aimed at patent agents, lawyers, managers, analysts, and academics who are working on patents. This may be used in a patent landscape analysis, company IP portfolio analysis, or a freedom to operate search.

The patentr package provides four categories of important functions:

  1. Data input and cleaning

  2. Data (re)processing

  3. Data exploration & visualization

  4. Visualization & reporting

load functions

importPatentData: Import xls patent data from filepaths. chooseFiles: Uses a popup window (Tk file dialog) to allow the user to choose a list of zero or more files interactively.

clean functions

cleanHeaderNames, extractCountryCode, extractPubNumber, extractKindCode, extractDocLength, extractCleanDate, showDups, removeDups, generateDocType, cleanNames, cleanPatentData

patentr data

acars To pay respect to the mtcars data, this is a data set of autonomous driving car patents from major companies. kindCodes A data frame of kind codes by country with associated descriptions. docLengthTypes A data frame mapping doc length to the type of patent document.

kamilien1/patentr documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:19 a.m.