Man pages for kaneplusplus/snb
The Stopped Negative Binomial

cdsnb_stackedThe Conditional Stopped Negative Binomial Density
cdsnb_stack_plotThe Conditional Stopped Negative Binomial Density Plot
dsnbc_stackThe "Stacked" Compound Negative Binomial Density Function
dsnbc_stack_plotStacked Plot of the Compound Stopped Negative Binomial...
dsnb_stackedStack the distribution by responders and non-responders.
dsnb_stack_plotThe Stopped Negative Binomial P.M.F. Stack-Plot
ecsnbExpected Value of the Conditional SNB Distribution
edkzExpected size for the DKZ 2-stage trial
esnbExpected Value of the SNB Distribution
fit_flipsFit the Stopped Negative Binomial Distribution
kplotThe K-Plot for the Binomial Process
snbThe Stopped Negative Binomial Distribution
snb_dist_appRun the snb Desity Web Application
snb_sim_appRun the snb Simulation Web Application
stacked_plotThe Stacked Plot
vcsnbVariance of the Conditional SNB Distribution
vsnbVariance of the SNB Distribution
zplotSimulate the binomial process
kaneplusplus/snb documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:20 a.m.