
Defines functions nzsd sandwich.mixed sandwich.nonmixed sandwich

# sd without zeros (defined as abs < 1e-3)
nzsd <- function(x) {
  z <- x[abs(x) > 0.001]

# Sandwich formula for standard error, for mixed outcomes.
# X should be after trans_X_mixed
# Note that se's should be calculated using the stdized design matrices and
#   stdized coefficients. These se's need to be unstandardized.
sandwich.mixed <- function(y, X, Beta, alpha, lambda, N, wctype, eps,
                           intercept, phi, penalty, weights, ridge) {

  mu <- meanfn(X %*% Beta, family = "Mixed")
  v <- varfn(mu, family = "Mixed")
  H <- CppHess2(X, v, alpha, phi, N, weights)
  E <- Emat_wrap(Beta, lambda, "Mixed", eps, intercept, penalty, ridge)
  M <- CppM2(y, X, mu, v, alpha, phi, N, weights)
  p <- dim(H)[1]
  HE <- H + E + 1e-06 * diag(p)
  C <- solve(HE, M) %*% solve(HE)

# Sandwich formula for nonmmixed outcomes.
# As above, for standardized, hence results should be unstandardized later.
sandwich.nonmixed <- function(y, X, Beta, alpha, lambda, N, m, family,
                              wctype, eps, intercept, phi, penalty,
                              weights, ridge) {

  mu <- meanfn(X %*% Beta, family = family)
  v <- varfn(mu, family = family)
  R <- corrmat(alpha, m, wctype)
  H <- CppHess(X, v, R, phi, N, weights)
  E <- Emat_wrap(Beta, lambda, family, eps, intercept, penalty, ridge)
  M <- CppM(y, X, mu, v, R, phi, N, weights)
  p <- dim(H)[1]
  HE <- H + E + 1e-06 * diag(p)
  C <- solve(HE, M) %*% solve(HE)

# wrapper for all family types
# For family=="Mixed", X will be transformed. Else, X won't.
sandwich <- function(y, X, Beta, alpha, lambda, N, m, family,
                     wctype, eps, intercept, phi, penalty,
                     weights, ridge) {
  if (family != "Mixed") {
    sandwich.nonmixed(y, X, Beta, alpha, lambda, N, m, family,
                      wctype, eps, intercept, phi, penalty,
                      weights, ridge)
  } else {
    sandwich.mixed(y, X, Beta, alpha, lambda, N, wctype, eps,
                   intercept, phi, penalty, weights, ridge)
kaos42/pgee.mixed documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:20 a.m.