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The eqvis package provides functions for cleaning and plotting NOAA significant earthquake dataset using either a timeline or map. The earthquake data must be cleaned first using the eq_clean_data function. With this function, the country and colon are removed from the LOCATION_NAME and it is converted to title case. A new DATE column is derived from the date parts (YEAR, MONTH, DAY). LATITUDE and LONGITUDE are converted to numeric.

The NOAA earthquake dataset can be accessed from:$ID&t=101650&s=13&d=189&dfn=signif.txt. This dataset contains information about 5,933 earthquakes around the world over an approximately 4,000 year time span. This package was developed to work with years AC only.

Timeline Info

A timeline can be produced using ggplot2 with the geom_timeline/stat_timeline functions. It will plot a timeline with points for each earthquake and can optionally include a size and color/fill aesthectics. If xmin and xmax aesthetics are provided, stat_timeline will subset the data. The geom_timeline_label function can be used to add a label geom. It print the label aesthetic for the top n_max earthquakes in terms of magnitude.

Map Info

A map can be produced using eq_map(). It will display circle markers at the lat/lon locations with a radius based on the magnitude of the earthquake and popup text reflecting the annotation column provided. An optional eq_create_label function is provided that generate label text using the location name, magnitude and deaths for the earthquake.

Sample Dataset

A sample_eq dataset is provided. It is a subset of the complete NOAA dataset, filtered for COUNTRY values USA and MEXICO and YEAR 2000-2017.

kaquilino/eqvis documentation built on May 17, 2019, 2:44 p.m.