Man pages for kardinal-eros/sabotag-tools
Tools of the Salzburger Botanische Arbeitsgemeinschaft (SaBotAg)

backgroundConfigure a Map Background
Background-classClass '"Background"'
bergfexLocality Descriptions from Bergfex Web Service
elevationReturns the Elevation Obtained from Open-Elevation API
extent2polygonUtility Functions.
floragridCreate Grid Based on Extent
geocodeLocality Description for Austria's administrative Boundaries
gridcellGrid Cell Identifier
gridcell2lnglatQuery Grid Identifier for Coordinates
lnglat2gridcellQuery Coordinates for Grid Identifier
nominatimLocality Descriptions from OpenStreetMap Web Service
occurencesCreate Occurrences
Occurences-classClass '"Occurrences"'
prettyFind Nice Grid Spacing
sabotag-tools-packageTools of the Salzburger Botanische Arbeitsgemeinschaft...
safapiLocality Description for Austria
sbgSalzburg Mapping Grid
zobodatData From the Zobodat Database
kardinal-eros/sabotag-tools documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:21 a.m.