unique_vert <- get_num_unique_vertices (params$graph)
num_edges <- dim (params$graph) [1]

sizes <- get_graph_sizes (params$graph)
num_graphs <- sum (sizes$Frequency)

degrees <- get_node_degrees (params$graph)
s_freq <- summary (degrees$frequency)
summary_freq <- data.frame (names (s_freq))
summary_freq$Value <- s_freq
names (summary_freq) [1] <- "Statistic"

weight_summary <- get_edge_weight_summary (params$graph, params$n)


Number of vertices: r unique_vert

Number of edges: r num_edges

Graph sizes

These are the sizes based on the number of unique vertices of all disconnected graphs in the provided data.frame.

Number of graphs: r num_graphs

Graph sizes: r knitr::kable (sizes, row.names = FALSE)


r knitr::kable (summary_freq, row.names = FALSE)

Edge weights

r knitr::kable (weight_summary, row.names = FALSE)

karpfen/graphreport documentation built on May 7, 2019, 8:02 a.m.