
#' Generate graph report from a template
#' @param graph \code{data.frame} containing the graph. must have columns from,
#' to and weight, so each row defines an edge.
#' @param article_name file name of the article.
#' @param n The desired number of quantiles for the edge weight section.
#' @param format One or multiple values indicating the desired output format of
#' the report. See \code{rmarkdown::render} for possible formats.
#' @param overwrite If \code{TRUE}, overwrites existing reports.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' n <- 50
#' from <- as.integer (runif (min = 0, max = 100, n))
#' to <- as.integer (runif (min = 0, max = 100, n))
#' weight <- runif (n)
#' graph <- data.frame (from, to, weight)
#' generate_graph_report (graph = graph, n = 5, format = c ("html_document",
#' "pdf_document", overwrite = FALSE))
#' }
generate_graph_report <- function (graph, article_name = "graph-report", n = 10,
                                   format = "pdf_document", overwrite = TRUE)
    if (class (graph) != "data.frame")
        stop ("graph must be of type data.frame.")
    names (graph) %<>% tolower
    if (!all (c ("from", "to", "weight") %in% names (graph)))
        stop ("graph must contain columns from, to and weight.")
    fname <- paste0 (article_name, ".Rmd")

    dirs <- list.dirs (recursive = FALSE)
    if (!paste0 ("./", article_name) %in% dirs)
        rmarkdown::draft (file = fname, edit = FALSE, package = "graphreport",
                          template = "graphreport")
        overwrite <- TRUE
    if (overwrite)
        rmarkdown::render (paste0 (article_name, "/", fname),
                           params = list ("graph" = graph, "n" = n),
                           output_format = format)
    } else
        stop (paste0 ("Report in folder '", article_name, "' already exists. ",
                      "Choose different name or enable overwriting."))
karpfen/graphreport documentation built on May 7, 2019, 8:02 a.m.