  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
  out.width = "100%"


Lifecycle: experimental

This R package is an interface to todoist - the todo list manager.


Package is still in early development but you can install the latest version using the devtools package.

# install.packages("devtools")

Getting your API token

First you will need to get the API token from your account. If you login to your todoist account, you can find this under Settings > Integrations > API token or by clicking here and scroll to the bottom.

You are recommended that you place your token in the .Renviron file by adding to it:


The easiest way to access the .Renviron is to use usethis::edit_r_environ().

That way you no longer have to specify a token for any rtodoist functions. Of course, you can also just specifiy it inline using token=....

Modifying projects on todoist

The rtodoist R package has a family of functions that can manipulate and view information on projects. These famliy of functions all start with proj_. E.g. use

proj_add("My awesome project")

to add a new project called "My awesome project". You will need to have your token environment setup for this to work or alternatively if you have your API token string you can supply it to the argument token.

proj_add("My awesome project", token = "<YOUR TOKEN>")

Other projected related functions include:

fns <- ls("package:rtodoist")
proj_fns <- fns[stringr::str_starts(fns, 'proj')]
proj_fns <- setdiff(proj_fns, "proj_add")
cat(paste0(paste0(clisymbols::symbol$bullet, "`", proj_fns, "`"), collapse = "\n\n"), ".")

Modifying tasks on todoist

Similarily, the rtodoist package has a family of functions to modify and view information on tasks. These functions all start with task_. E.g. use

task_add(content = "Get rtodoist documentation done.", 
         due_string = "Tomorrow")

to add a task that is due tomorrow.

Other task related functions include:

task_fns <- fns[stringr::str_starts(fns, 'task')]
task_fns <- setdiff(task_fns, c("task_add", "task_clean"))
cat(paste0(paste0(clisymbols::symbol$bullet, "`", task_fns, "`"), collapse = "\n\n"), ".")

karthik/rtodoist documentation built on Jan. 10, 2023, 10:06 p.m.