Man pages for kasperwelbers/corpus-tools
tools for corpus analysis

cast.sparse.matrixCast data.frame to sparse matrix
chi2Compute the chi^2 statistic for a 2x2 crosstab containing the...
corpora.compareCompare two corpora function for a list of dtm's
create.indexCreate an index file for plot.all.topics
documents.compareCompare the documents in two corpora/dtms
documentsumsGet word assignments from LDA_GIBBS class (output of...
documents.window.compareCompare the documents in a dtm per time frame
dtm.createCreate a document term matrix from a list of tokens
dtm.filterFilter a dtm by selecting documents or terms a dtm into a "triples" data frame a dtm into a quanteda dfm object (requires quanteda...
dtmToSparseMatrixTransform a dtm into a sparse matrix.
dtm.wordcloudPlot a word cloud from a dtm
fill.time.gapsAdd empty values for pretty plotting
getOverlapTermsGet the overlapping terms between two documents in a dtm
lda.fitEstimate a topic model using the lda package
lda.plot.alltopicsPlot all topics
lda.plot.categoryPlots topic values per category
lda.plot.timePlots topic values over time
lda.plot.topicPlots topic wordcloud, and attention over time and per...
lda.plot.wordcloudPlot wordcloud for LDA topic
ldavis_jsonCreate JSON data for LDAvis
order.metaAdd document meta to LDA output
plotWordsPlot a wordcloud with words ordered and coloured according to...
prepare.plot.valuesPrepares the topic values per document for plotting
prepare.time.varChange date object to date_interval
sotuTokens from Bush and Obama's State of the Union addresses
splitDtmSplit a dtm into a list.
term.statisticsCompute some useful corpus statistics for a dtm
term.time.statisticsCompute corpus statistics for term use over time
topics.per.documentGet the topics per document
wikinews_iraqDocument-term matrix based on wikinews articles on Iraq
kasperwelbers/corpus-tools documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:37 a.m.