Man pages for kasperwelbers/network-tools
Network analysis tools

adjacencyCalculate adjacency of units
cast.sparse.matrixCast data.frame to sparse matrix
coincidence.graphCreate a coincidence graph
content.similarity.graphCreate a content similarity graph
default.graph.attributesSets basic default values for content.similarity.graph a graph from conversation data
graph.color.verticesAssign vertex colors to a graph
graph.plotA wrapper for plotting graphs
matrix.aggregateAggregates a (sparse) matrix
matrix.coincidence.countCompute coincidence count for matrix columns
matrix.conprobCompute conditional probability for matrix columns
matrix.correlationCompute correlations for matrix columns
matrix.cosineCompute cosine for matrix columns
matrix.overlap.jacardCompute jacard for matrix columns
matrix.rowsimilaritiesCalculates the similarity between rows of a matrix
previous.authors.graphCreate a graph from conversation data
similarity.graphCreate a graph based on similarites of vertices/nodes strings to rows with matching ids
windowed.adjacencyCalculate adjacency of units within moving windows
kasperwelbers/network-tools documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:38 a.m.