Man pages for kassambara/easyGgplot2
Perform and customize easily a plot with ggplot2

easyGgplot2-packagePerform and customize easily a plot with ggplot2
generateRLineTypesGenerate a plot of line types which R knows about.
generateRPointShapesGenerate a plot of point shapes which R knows about.
ggplot2.barplotEasy barplot plot with R package ggplot2
ggplot2.boxplotEasy boxplot plot with R package ggplot2
ggplot2.customizeCustomize a graph generated by ggplot2 package (axis, title,...
ggplot2.densityEasy density plot with R package ggplot2
ggplot2.dotplotEasy dotplot plot with R package ggplot2
ggplot2.histogramEasy histogram plot with R package ggplot2
ggplot2.lineplotEasy line plot plot with R package ggplot2
ggplot2.multiplotPut multiple graphs on the same page.
ggplot2.scatterplotEasy scatterplot plot using ggplot2
ggplot2.setAxisCustomize x and y axis of a plot generated with ggplot2...
ggplot2.stripchartEasy stripchart plot with R package ggplot2
ggplot2.violinplotEasy violinplot plot with R package ggplot2
restaurantRestaurant bill for man and woman
rquery.loadPackagesInstallation and loading of packages
showColsGenerate a plot of color names which R knows about.
weightWeight / Sex
kassambara/easyGgplot2 documentation built on May 20, 2019, 7:39 a.m.