Man pages for kbodwin/celery
What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)

add_on_exportsFunctions required for celery-adjacent packages
avg_silhouetteMeasures average silhouette between clusters
celery-packagecelery: What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)
check_empty_ellipse_celeryCheck to ensure that ellipses are empty
ClusterR_kmeans_fitSimple Wrapper around ClusterR kmeans
control_celeryControl the fit function
convert_helpersHelper functions to convert between formula and matrix...
enrichmentMeasures relationship between cluster assignments and another...
extract_cluster_assignmentExtract cluster assignments from model
extract_clustersExtract clusters from model
extract_fit_summaryS3 method to get fitted model summary info depending on...
fitFit a Model Specification to a Data Set
get_model_env_celeryWorking with the celery model environment
glance.cluster_fitConstruct a single row summary "glance" of a model, fit, or...
make_classes_celeryPrepend a new class
other_predictOther predict methods.
predict.cluster_fitModel predictions
prepare_dataPrepare data based on parsnip encoding information
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
set_engine_celeryDeclare a computational engine and specific arguments
set_new_model_celeryTools to Register Models
silhouettesMeasures silhouettes between clusters
sse_ratioCompute the ratio of the WSS to the total SSE
tidy.cluster_fitTurn a celery model object into a tidy tibble
tot_sseCompute the total sum of squares
tot_wssCompute the sum of within-cluster SSE
translate_celeryResolve a Model Specification for a Computational Engine
within_cluster_sseCalculates Sum of Squared Error in each cluster
kbodwin/celery documentation built on March 26, 2022, 12:33 a.m.