
Making the horizon package

The R/horizon package is an htmlwidgets-based R package for making horizon plots with the cubism.js library. Cubism.js is aimed towards "real time" dashboards, fetching time series data incrementally. R/horizon focuses just on making horizon plot of a static data set.

Here, I'll describe briefly how I created the package.

Creating a basic horizon function

I started with this gist:, which itself is based on this demo.

The first thing to do was to tear apart the HTML, CSS, and Javascript into three separate files.

Next, I want to turn the thing into a function that takes some data. The main task, in doing so, is to pull out the code that reads data from files, which in the original gist and demo were deep inside things, and have that be way on the outside.

My first successful attempt is at


The next thing that was confusing was the x-axis scale. It turns out the cubism expects evenly-spaced data, with a single pixel per time point.

The code cubism.context() is the main initializer of everything, and .size() is going to be the number of data points. I don't completely understand .serverDelay() and .step(), but note that .stop() is used to stop trying to grab data externally.


The next confusing bit was that Cubism doesn't make a single graphic, but rather each horizontal segment (that is, each separate time series) exists in a separate <canvas> within a separate <div>. The horizontal rules bordering each is controlled in the CSS.

These things are created by calls to context.horizon()

The upper and lower axes are separate SVGs, and their placement at the very top and bottom was controlled in the CSS. These are created by calls to context.axis()

context.horizon() and context.axis() each return a function that, when called, will create the actual objects. These can be done both at once, as I've done for .horizon(), or in separate pieces, as I've done for .axis().

Creating the htmlwidgets package

To make the horizon plots accessible from R, we need to create a separate R package.

You can use the htmlwidgets::scaffoldWidget function to create the basic "scaffolding", or you can just do it by hand.


Javascript to create the plot

R function to really create the plot


I had a whole bunch of messing around with sizes of things. Mostly, I'm taken the height of the plot as given, and I'm not trying to control the width at all, but rather leaving at the Cubism default of 1 pixel per time point.

kbroman/horizon documentation built on Jan. 17, 2021, 4:15 p.m.