Man pages for kdkorthauer/dmrseq
Detection and inference of differentially methylated regions from Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing

annot.chr21annot.chr21: Annotation information for chromosome 21, hg38...
BS.chr21BS.chr21: Whole-genome bisulfite sequencing for chromosome 21...
dmrPlotAnnotationsAdd annotations to DMR plots
dmrseqMain function for detecting and evaluating significance of...
dmrs.exdmrs.ex: Example results of DMRs
getAnnotRetrieve annotation information
meanDiffFunction to compute raw mean methylation differences
plotDMRsPlot Differentially Methylated Regions
plotEmpiricalDistributionPlot the empirical distribution of the methylation beta vals...
simDMRsSimulate Differentially Methylated Regions
kdkorthauer/dmrseq documentation built on Sept. 26, 2024, 9:32 p.m.